Home  /  Team  /  Anastasia Grigoriou

Education: University of Manchester,
(Classics and Ancient History, BA Honours) University of Manchester, Law (LLB Honours)

Languages: Greek (fluent), English (fluent)

Email: [email protected]



Anastasia Grigoriou joined PHC TSANGARIDES LLC in 2013 as a trainee. After completing her vocational training, she practised in the litigation and corporate teams of the firm and in 2018 she was made Partner.

Anastasia has wide experience in civil and commercial litigation and is experienced in advising clients in all types of disputes, including immovable property, construction, interim injunctions and insurance. She has represented clients in cases involving large amounts of money before the District Courts as well as the Supreme Court and has secured substantial amounts in settlement of insurance claims.

She also has experience in drafting complex corporate and commercial contracts for Cypriot and international clients as well as joint ventures and franchise agreements .Her clients include groups of hotels, restaurants and companies operating in various trades.